Sunday, May 7, 2017


Cat lovers in India often lament the lack of facilities and recognition for felines as compared to their canine friends. And it is true. The popularity of dogs as pets as well as the amenities and services available to dogs and dog parents is unrivalled compared to other pets. So of course, the stray cats get a rotten deal in the whole scheme of things. Very few people will actually make an effort or lift a finger to help a homeless cat. But things are changing and more people are coming forward to play guardian to these gorgeous creatures we call cats. One such group of people are the founders of the ANS Cat Program in Delhi. Made up of Aaron, Nishat and Sandhya, the team is working to change mindsets and improve the image of cats in the city.
Kids will do just about anything to avoid finishing homework. Ask Nishat Rana, whose 16 years old daughter unwittingly initiated her family’s active involvement in cat rescue and fostering, while attempting to avoid math homework. Looking out the window, procrastinating, she spotted two kittens in need of help, and lo and behold, today their house is home to 3 cats and 3-5 fosters on the regular.

Canine behaviourist and animal communicator, Aaron Patrick Dsilva, says his love affair with cats started back in Kuwait. Aaron has always had an affinity for all animals, but growing up in Kuwait, cats were the more commonly found pets, it was upon shifting to India, and living in Bombay that Aaron was struck with the indifference and often vehement viciousness directed towards cats.

The post was originally appeared at Friendicoes.

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